First and foremost you want to be prepared for any type of disaster. With each different type of disaster come
specific things you will want to do. This is a general overview of what you should do to be prepared for any type of disaster.

Before the disaster hits:

The Rule of Thumb For Water Storage:
One gallon of water for each person per day.
Store enough water for each person in your household to have a three day supply.
Make sure you store some ofthe water in bottles for drinking purposes and the rest in larger containers for food preparation and sanitation. Water purification tablets or a purification kit is advisable.

Always keep non-perishable food on hand:
Keep a three day supply of food for each person.
√  Canned fruits, vegetables, meats, beans
√  Canned juices
√  High energy food such as dried fruits, nuts and dried meats
√  Extra Jars of food for infants if there are any
√  Comfort or stress food

Remember to keep in mind any special dietary food you or your family may need.

Non-prescription drugs for minor aches and pains
√  Aspirin, Tylenol or Ibuprofen.
√  Over the counter medication for treatment of symptoms for minor illnesses
√  Laxative
√  Anti-constipation medication
√  Syrup of Ipecac
√  Ensure an emergency supply of prescription drugs & First Aid Kit: bandages, antibiotic creme, etc.

√  Toilet paper, towelettes
√  Soap, liquid detergent
√  Alcoholic-based hand sanitizing gels
√  Feminine supplies
√  Personal  hygiene items
√  Plastic garbage bags
√  Plastic bucket with tight lid
√  Disinfectant
√  Household chlorine bleach

Tools and Supplies
√  Mess kits, or paper cups, plates, and plastic utensils
√  Battery operated radio and extra batteries
√  Flashlight and extra batteries
√  Cash or traveler’s checks
√   Matches in a waterproof container

At least one set of clothing and shoes per person, more if needed for infants or special  needs or elderly.

After the disaster has hit:

  • Listen to the radio for any instructions .
  • Open any cupboards, doors or closed areas carefully. 
  • Use the telephone only for emergency calls.
  • Stay away from damaged areasIf you can, help those in need (i.e.: trapped, injured)..
  • Clean up all flammable liquids immediately.
  • Check all utilities for any leaks (water, gas, sewage) know in advance where all utility shut-offs are found.
  • Conserve fuel.
  • Eat regularly and drink ample amounts of fluids-keep refrigerator shut tight.
  • Maintain ventilation if using kerosene heaters.
  • If symptoms of hypothermia are detected get to a warm area and keep dry.
Know the steps to safety:
  1. Find out what kind of disasters could affect you; earthquake, fire, tornado, flood, etc.
  2. Know and be prepared for any types of disaster, which may be most likely to happen where you are. (Remember disaster can happen when you are traveling or on vacation).
  3. Learn about your community’s warning signals.
  4. Ask about animal care and have a plan for your pet after a disaster.
  5. Have a plan to have one contact person in a different area to contact in the event of a disaster, they can contact family, friends and other loved one to update them on your family’s status. Have a meeting place for your family should a disaster hit.
  6. Have a list of important phone numbers
  7. Have a list of prescription medication, illnesses and any allergies for your family
  8. It’s important for you to discuss your disaster plan with your family and practice what you will do if a certain type of disaster strikes your area.